
Established in 2016, WAKAKA Group is growing and continues to provide innovation in the F&B industry in Indonesia.

In 2020 WAKAKA Group has created 5 brands with more than 10 branches spread throughout Indonesia.

WAKAKA Group continues to express itself by presenting unique and distinctive concepts that reach culinary tastes across generations. WAKAKA Group is committed to meeting consumer expectations by using high quality materials and maximum service.


As a company that continues to grow, WAKAKA Group has a vision to become the best group of companies in the culinary industry by continuously innovating to create memorable experiences for consumers.


1. Creating innovative concepts in the F&B Industry and introduction of a unique lifestyle.

2. Provide the highest quality products and develop all employees to the maximum to become the best talents in the F&B Industry.


PT. Wakaka Group Indonesia

Pluit karang sari Y 7 utara no 39, RT.8/RW.8, Pluit, jakarta, Kota Jkt Utara

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Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT. Wakaka Group Indonesia

Sebagai Accounting Staff, Anda akan bertanggung jawab memeriksa dan melakukan verifikasi transaksi keuangan perusahaan, melakukan pencatatan dan do

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  • Menangani rekrutment end to end baik di outlet maupun di Head Office
  • Memonitor MPP agar selalu terpenuhi
  • Melakukan in

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  • Preparing the Editorial Plan for our brand’s content
  • Creating content according to brand’s guideline
  • Dist

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Membuat rencana pemasaran, mengorganisir strategi penjualan, mengelola anggaran pemasaran, dan pengembangan materi pemasaran hingga produksi siaran

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staff accounting akan bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga kondisi keuangan perusahaan dengan cara mengelola keuangan dengan tepat.

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  • Coordinate daily Front of the House and Back of the House restaurant operations
  • Deliver superior service and maximize customer s

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