Seorang APJ Production (Assistant Production Junior) bertanggung jawab untuk membantu Kepala Produksi dalam mengawasi dan mengelola operasi produksi di perusahaan.
Tugas-tugas utama termasuk membantu dalam perencanaan dan pengaturan jadwal produksi, memantau proses produksi untuk memastikan efisiensi dan produktivitas yang optimal, serta mengelola inventaris bahan baku dan peralatan produksi.
Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan termasuk kemampuan analitis, organisasi dan perencanaan yang baik, serta kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam tim. Seorang APJ Production harus memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai tentang proses produksi, teknologi produksi, dan manajemen kualitas.
Tanggung Jawab
Developing the Plants function's work plan; assigning work activities, projects and programs, monitoring workflow, reviewing and evaluating work methods and procedures, and directing such activities to serve the Department's goals and plans.
Ensuring the capacity utilization of all equipment in Production areas.
Ensuring that work activities are carried out achieving the pre-set performance goals and suggesting any necessary actions to the direct subordinate.
Providing operational and technical direction with regard to the various aspects and phases of the production to ensure professional and timely execution of production plans within the allocated resources and budgets.
Establishing Plants policies and procedures that comply with corporate policies related to production processes and ensuring their proper implementation across Plants to achieve company objectives.
Maintaining quality standards among all operations within the Plant in order to achieve company objectives.
Organizing the repair and routine maintenance of production equipment.
Maintaining all policies and procedures manuals.
Manage schedules and deadlines for defined Executive Committee members.
Support expenses and travel arrangements for defined Executive Committee members.
Assisting managers in compiling annual budget information and reports
Performing clerical accounting and general office duties as needed
Developing strong relationships with cross-functional teams and departments
Harap lengkapi data diri sebelum mengirimkan lamaran untuk membuat perusahaan tertarik dengan Anda!
Data diri yang tidak lengkap TIDAK AKAN dibalas dan dipanggil oleh perusahaan! Update Resume Sekarang
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