
In 1966, Eka Sentosa (+) and Darmawan Putra Totong opened a small paint shop sized 40 sqm at Gajah mada 56 Street, Jakarta. This paint shop called "Toko Tjat Sentosa" which sold paint products. Not only selling paints, business kept developing with selling also other building materials with more variety products.

In line with the growth of the shop in 1970, Budyanto Totong and Totong Kurniaan joined the business with their brothers and launched offensive plans.

They saw an oppotunity from merely selling into marketing and distributing. This is the beginning of the business as a distribution of building materials.

With the Company's distribution segment rapidly grew, the need for a modren management approach became inevitable and led to the establishment of PT Catur Sentosa Adiprana in December 1983.

Currently, the Company is a public company which has 40 building materials distribution branches, 5 chemical distribution branches, 14 consumer goods distribution areas, 20 modern retail stores of Mitra10, and 8 modern retail showrooms of Atria, spread throughout indonesia, and has been established more than 6.000 employees and trust of more than 800 principals. and also supported by more than 500 transportation vehicles and total warehouse space of more than 150.000 sqm.


Catur Sentosa Adiprana - Anugerah

Jl Daan Mogot Raya No. 234 Jakarta

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Lowongan Pekerjaan di Catur Sentosa Adiprana - Anugerah

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