
Creatorz is a Digital Agency company known for its innovative and creative branding capabilities. We have collaborated with hundreds of marketing teams from various SMEs, Corporations, and Digital Agencies to run digital campaigns. Our services include Branding Development, KOL & Influencer Provider, Concepting Campaign, Content Creation, and Online Event Coordination.


At Creatorz, we value learning and employee growth. Our core values are embodied in the acronym C-R-E-A-T-E, which stands for Creative, Responsible, Empowerment, Adaptive, Teamwork, and Excellence. We aim to inspire thoughtful and genuine ideas, take responsibility for our actions, support and value our team members, embrace change and seek ways to improve, foster a positive and creative team environment, and aim for the highest quality standards in everything we do.


PT Creatorz Media Network

Jl. Kapten Soebijanto Djojohadikusumo No.8, Lengkong Gudang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15311

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